REDLEAF: Designations inspired by nature.

REDLEAF, a brand that uses information technology to create eco friendly enterprises, wanted us to redefine their organizational chart to better suit their brand essence. The process involved understanding the job nature of each and every position within the organization. We then had to come up with suitable metaphors from nature. This was a fun project and when we could not come up with a metaphor we had to create a word by combining aspects of technology and nature.

Here are few interesting names that we came up with.

Chief of Habitat – Managing Director

Habitat refers to an environment inhabited by a particular species of plants/animals.

Brand Keeper – Sales Manager

Derived by combining Brand and Bee Keeper (someone who keeps bees to satisfy scientific curiosity amongst other things.)

Chief Growth Agent – Business Development Manager

Chemicals in plants that regulate growth are called Growth Agents

Growth Enabler – Business Development Executive

Someone who has the power ability and competence to make growth possible.

Technical Sage – Technical Manager

Sage refers to a person who is profoundly wise. Sage also refers to any plant of the mint family.

Nurturer – Faculty

Someone who helps grow/cultivate

Service Stork – Service Delivery Coordinator

In folklore, babies are delivered by storks

and this one is our personal favorite

Eco system – The organisation

Once each position within the organisation was redefined, a small internal launch was done to inform employees about their new designations. This gave us an opportunity to clarify a few interesting questions posed by the employees regarding the adaptation of these designations.